
Information about the publication process

Uploading products for publication on international platforms through a single Antiqon PRO personal account is very simple.

Log in to your personal account and click the New item button at the top of the page. Enter current data and characteristics of the item, upload photos. Remember, the better the quality of the photo, the higher the chance of successfully selling the product.

After moderation, products will appear on sites available under the terms of your tariff plan. For subscribers of the PRO tariff plan, in addition to manual downloading, automatic downloading of goods from your online catalog is also available. To do this, you need to provide an Antiqon PRO IT specialist with access to your website, after which the process of automatically uploading and updating products from your catalog will be set up

    • How long does it take to advertise for sale?
      The ad of the sale is published for a period of 30 (thirty) days. After 30 (thirty) days, the Seller must confirm the availability of the goods placed in the service. If there is no confirmation of the availability of goods, after 30 (thirty) days the ad will be removed from publication and moved to the "Inactive" section.
    • What platforms will the product be published on?
      You can find the list of web sites where your product will be published in the description of the tariff you have chosen. More.
    • How can I edit my goods after publication?
      You need to go to your personal account, then go to the Products section. Next, you select the position in which you would like to make changes and click on the "Edit product" icon.
    • How can I publish the item again after I marked it as sold?
      In your personal account, in the "Catalogue" section, find "Sold" and select the ad that you want to return to sale. Click the "Duplicate" button located on the right side of the screen. The ad will be moved to the "Draft" section, where you will be able to activate the ad for further publication.
    • One of my items has been sold or is no longer available. How to remove it from sale?
      You need to go to your personal account, then go to the "Items" tab and select the product, the information about which you would like to change. For sold items, click on the "Sold" icon. For temporarily unavailable items, click the "Hold" icon.
    • How long does the product remain on the network after it was marked as sold?
      The product will be in the public domain until it is transferred to the archive (90 days) *Learn more Placement at platforms.
    • How can I improve my online visibility and increase my sales?
      1. Upload new products regularly. The best way to gain visibility online is by uploading consistently. Sellers who upload new products once a week average over 50% more sales than those who do it less often! Moreover, accounts with a large inventory are more likely to be seen by customers, so the more you upload, the more you sell. 2. Price your items fairly to stay competitive and increase your chances of being featured in our promotions. 3. Upload high quality images. High-quality, high-resolution images encourage Buyers to sell. Additional image guidelines can be found in the Terms and Conditions ""Photo Requirements"". 4. Be available and respond quickly. Respond as quickly as possible - especially those regarding order confirmation and shipment scheduling—to ensure a smooth process from order to shipment. 5. Timely update the data on the availability of goods placed in the service in order to avoid order cancellations and and unhappy customers.
    • Unable to upload photos/items
      Log out of your account, restart your browser, and log in again. If the problem is still not resolved, please contact your manager or service support. To resolve the error, you need to provide the following information: 1. Screen shot of the browser error 2. Link from the search bar (URL).
    • I can't see my items on partners platforms
      You can get acquainted with the status of the announcement publication in the user's personal account on the announcement page by clicking the "Info" icon. Terms of moderation and publication of ads on partner Internet sites is 7 (seven) business days from the date of publication of the ad on If your ad has not yet been published on partner sites, please contact your personal manager or service support service.
    • Published ads are not displayed in the personal account
      When you add a product, it may take up to 10 (ten) minutes before it appears in the list of products in your personal account. If after 10 (ten) minutes the product has not appeared in the personal account, follow these steps: - Log out of your account -Restart your browser and log in again. If the problem is still not resolved, please contact your personal manager or service support.