Vinterior is a trading platform based in the UK. It is a popular service for sales of vintage, antique and former use of furniture, lighting, art objects and house decor items. The service has a low commission rate, and also does not have preliminary registration costs. Vinterior has more than 2000 best independent sellers from more than 30 countries, and their number continues to grow. The lack of a contract, the lack of monthly payments and a low commission rate in a combination with an excellent sales structure with payment as you use. Vinterior will not make money if you do not earn. A unique “list of list” service is also included for free, when the Vinterior team imports your product and creates the pages of your products. This is a particularly useful function that allows you to quickly start online sales.
What is the comission?
The cost of registration is 0$
Comission starting from 15-20%
What is the hosting fee per month or per year?
Year founded
Total visits per month
739.2 Thousands
United Kingdom, London
Global Scale & Reach
Approximate number of listings
Active buyers worldwide
Connect people and buld communities
At eBay, we create pathways to connect millions of sellers and buyers in more than 190 markets around the world. Our technology empowers our customers, providing everyone the opportunity to grow and thrive — no matter who they are or where they are in the world. And the ripple effect of our work creates waves of change for our customers, our company, our communities and our planet.
AUDIENCE's audience is 45.37% male and 54.63% female. The largest age group of visitors are 25 - 34 year olds. Late-Millennial customer base.
Social media traffic gets most of its social media traffic from Facebook, followed by Instagram and Pinterest (Desktop). Engaging audiences through Twitter may reveal new opportunities
Advertising tools
Vinterior has it's own email newsletter and social medias. You choose which product will be included in the newsletter.
PR campaigns made by banner with targeting.